Making the retirement living choice easier

If you’re thinking about moving to a retirement village, you probably know how complicated it can be, financially speaking. There are a myriad of fees associated with retirement villages: upfront payments, ongoing fees during your stay, and charges upon departure (exit fees). The exit fees can involve complex formulas that include a percentage of your […]

Making sense of retirement village contracts

Making the move to a retirement village can be both exciting and daunting. The exciting part is normally around the ability to free up time and money to enjoy more of your favourite pastimes. The daunting part is typically around the financial arrangements. The greatest cause of confusion is normally the exit fee, which is […]

What is my homeowner status in a retirement village?

“Considering a home in a retirement village under a leasehold contract has left me wondering — does this make me a homeowner for the age pension?” It’s a question that’s come up before, and rightly so, because it can be a bit of a head-scratcher. You’d think knowing if you own your home is straightforward, […]

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