New book on estate planning

“Wills, Death & Taxes Made Simple” by Noel Whittaker is available now, it is the ultimate guide to estate planning. Recently, Noel was having a chat with the guy who takes care of his garden, and he asked him if he had a will. He replied, “never got around to it. It all seems too […]

2024 Federal Budget recap for older Australians

For seniors, the 2024 Federal Budget measures of interest include: $300 off your power bill The $300 reduction in power bills is for every household (not just seniors), with no means test applied. The $300 is a rebate rather than a payment, so it will be deducted from the bill. It will be paid in […]

Want to help the housing crisis? Bring back the pensioner savings account

When downsizing your home, it’s essential to consider the impact on your pension. The issue has persisted for years, exacerbated by changes to the pension asset test in 2017 and rising property prices. However, there’s a potential solution that could benefit retirees: the reintroduction of a pensioner savings account. Background: Pensioner Savings Account The Productivity […]

Making retirement village comparison easy

Making retirement village fee comparison easy There’s often a lot of confusion when it comes to retirement village fees, but now there’s a simple tool to make it easier. Following our mantra of downsizing made simple. Moving into a retirement village can come with a number of fantastic advantages to help make your retirement years […]

Almost 5m Australians will get a pension pay rise on 20 March

20 March will see almost 5m Australians receive an increase in their social security payments thanks to indexation. Those receiving Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment will receive an increase of $19.60 a fortnight for singles and $29.40 a fortnight for couples (combined). The maximum rate of pension will increase to $1,116.30 per […]

Aged care season and why we need to talk about it

Navigating parental care and when to step in: Rachel Lane’s expert tips to helping aging parents Some people call it the silly season, others call it the festive season, but I call this time of year aged care season. It’s a time when families come together, maybe for the first time since last Christmas, and notice […]

Supersize your downsize

For many, the term “downsize” conjures images of a more compact, less expensive dwelling. Yet, downsizing doesn’t necessarily equate to moving into a micro-residence. In reality, it’s less about square metres and more about finding a home that aligns with the next exciting chapter in your life! Yes, at times downsizing means a smaller garden […]

Pensions set to increase on September 20


Mark your calendars for September 20th! It’s not just the usual indexation to pensions we’re looking at; this date also brings significant reforms to JobSeeker and Rent Assistance. These updates stem from the recently announced 2023-24 Federal Budget. Let’s delve into the specifics. Age Pension overhaul You’ll be happy to hear that Age Pension payments […]

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