Rachel Lane on Studio 10

Rachel Lane, co-author of Downsizing Made Simple, joins Studio 10 to share expert advice on making downsizing stress-free and rewarding. It’s not just about the money — it’s about the vibe!

You can buy a copy of our book, Downsizing Made Simple here.



The ultimate downsizing guide

Let Noel Whittaker and Rachel Lane guide you through the legal and financial maze, explain how a move can affect your lifestyle, superannuation, pension and benefits, and share some real life stories from readers.

Whether you’re moving to a townhouse or apartment in a strata title development, considering a granny flat or tiny house with family, looking at collaborative housing with like-minded people, or making the move to a retirement community, listen to the experts, and make it your best move.

Download the 1st chapter free!

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