Noel Whittaker in conversation with Rachel Lane | 16, 17 & 18 October

THE financial guru that is Noel Whittaker, will appear in conversation with his co-author of Downsizing Made Simple, Rachel Lane at several libraries in Victoria in October.

Known as the Financial Wizard of Oz, Noel’s mission is to help Australians live happy, healthy lives free from financial stress and blunders. International bestselling author, finance and investment expert, radio broadcaster, newspaper columnist and public speaker, Noel Whittaker is one of the world’s foremost authorities on personal finance.

Noel is also one of Australia’s most successful authors, with 20 bestselling books achieving total worldwide sales of more than two million copies. His first book, Making Money Made Simple, set sales records across the country and was named in The 100 Most Influential Books of the Twentieth Century.

Rachel Lane is Australia’s aged care guru. Her engaging explanations of the ins and outs of financing retirement living and aged care are embraced by thousands of readers of the Sydney Morning Herald, Melbourne’s Age, and the Brisbane Times and she frequently speaks on radio and television.

She has co-authored a number of books including the best-seller, Aged Care, Who Cares?, with finance expert Noel Whittaker who she has again teamed up with recently to write Downsizing Made Simple.

Rachel has specialised in retirement living and aged care for more than 15 years and holds a Masters in Financial Planning which included a thesis on the financial drivers of consumers and operators in aged care.

A Q&A session will follow the presentation, and both authors will be available for book signing afterwards.

**UPDATE** All events fully booked. Stand by lists now open.

Beaumaris Library
When: 6.30–7.30pm, Wednesday 16 October 2024
Where: 96 Reserve Road, Beaumaris VIC 3193
RSVP via the library website or phone 03 9261 7125

Mornington Peninsula Library
When: 2–3pm, Thursday 17 October 2024
Where: Vancouver Street, Mornington VIC 3931
RSVP via Eventbrite

Cheltenham Library
When: 12-2pm, Friday 17 October 2024
Where: 12 Stanley Street, Cheltenham VIC 3192
RSVP via the library website



The ultimate downsizing guide

Let Noel Whittaker and Rachel Lane guide you through the legal and financial maze, explain how a move can affect your lifestyle, superannuation, pension and benefits, and share some real life stories from readers.

Whether you’re moving to a townhouse or apartment in a strata title development, considering a granny flat or tiny house with family, looking at collaborative housing with like-minded people, or making the move to a retirement community, listen to the experts, and make it your best move.

Download the 1st chapter free!

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